︎ Patrizio Anastasi

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Illustrator and graphic designer based in Italy. Books, identities, posters, wall paintings, printed and digital matters. For further informations, commissions or collaborative inquieries please get in touch.


Illustration, exhibition

Public billboard project in the city of Viterbo. A project by Arci Viterbo. For the 10 years of
Librimmaginari we have thought of a special project, which can publicly celebrate this reality active in the area with a public billboard program in the city of Viterbo. For the occasion, Librimmaginari proposes a series of posters made by artists who have participated in various editions of the festival and which reflect on the dreamlike dimension of the city, on the implications linked to the suspension of public life determined in recent months by the lockdown. We witnessed an immediate block of all social activities, we imagined the city without being able to see it for days and days, going out only for basic necessities. In this way nature, in some cases wildlife, reacted to this suspension of time by taking back space, colonizing urbanized spaces. This suspension of time, unreal and dreamlike, is perpetuated in the actuality through a filter, the mask, which makes us at times unrecognizable, necessarily distant, muffled. We continue to live in a precarious time, a dystopia. A space-time bubble in which images can tell reality or offer escape routes, estrangements. The posters will investigate this suspended, unreal urban time with imaginary intrusions from the private to the public. Suspended stories, interrupted narratives, daydreams about a public life that we cannot resign ourselves to losing. 

Curated by Marcella Brancaforte and Marco Trulli. With the support of the Municipality of Viterbo.

Poster by: Akab, Roberto Catani, Common Place, Camilla Falsini, Virginia Mori, Simone Rea, Giovanna Ranaldi, Alex Raso, Giorgio Santucci, Antonello Silverini, Studio suit, Studiovagante, Elisa Talentino, Gianluigi Toccafondo, Lida Ziruffo.

© Patrizio Anastasi