︎ P. Anastasi

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Illustrator and graphic designer based in Italy. Books, identities, posters, wall paintings, printed and digital matters. For further informations, commissions or collaborative inquieries please get in touch.


Diritti da Tutelare

Dì—Tu Diritti da tutelare is a project curated by CODICI Ricerca e intervento which promotes the integration of unaccompanied foreign minors in the Lombardy Region. The project developed numerous activities including Cards to listen. During a workshop I ran in collaboration with Codici and FF3300, we provided the young participants with some tools to develop a deck of cards, through various drawing activities. A toolbox with instructions for use, that could be used in different ways depending on the needs of the group and context. A tool for asking and asking questions in a reflective and self-critical way. Here is the result of the project.
Made with Alice Lotti. 

© Patrizio Anastasi